Well I dont think any one out there reads this so I dont feel to bad, but here is an update anyway.
IVF worked for us. We did IVF back in aug 2009. We had our Son Brandon Thomas Richard Hayden on April 23 2010.
He is now about 9 months old and is amazing. He can say a few words, mostly da da. he can crawl and walk along the couch and walls. he can even stand unassisted for a few seconds. I dont know how big he is right now since his 9 month appointment isnt for another few weeks but last time we did get his measurements he was in the 90th percentile.
He is a good baby and doesn't often go all emo. lol We are having issues right now with getting him to go to sleep at night and for nap times. He use to go to sleep just fine. We would hold him until he had been asleep for about 30 mins and then be able to put him in his crib and he would sleep there all night.
Then we went on vacation for 3 weeks and he had to sleep with us as there was no crib for him to sleep in. I guess he got to use to that. every time we would try and put him down he would wake the instant his head would hit the mattress.
So now we have started the bed time ritual and he gets a bottle at 8pm then I read to him and we put him down in his crib and he cries it out. I remember when he was alot younger and I said to my self im never got to have to do that cry it out thing. Yeah well that was just one of the thing i started out saying we wont have to do and we now do.
Im already starting to try and figure out what we are going to do for his first bday party. Its only a few months away. It just bogles my mind that my little baby is almost a year old now.
Well he is getting restless so I better go. Sorry I dont have time to go back and edit this to I hope it makes since.